3 July 2024

Switzerland – Rhone River Records

June 30th, 2024. The Rhone River exceeded peak height records at multiple locations above Lake Geneva, in Valais Canton. The peak discharge at Reckingen was 32% greater than any previous rated discharge in 101 years of available record, commencing 1903. Stations at Sion (108 year record) , Branson (83 year record) and Brig (59 year record) also exceeded previous record flood peaks.

11 April 2024

Alpine Glacial Retreat

April 10th 2024. 92/93 Glaciers monitored by the Austrian Alpine club retreated in 2023 accoring to their latest survey, released yesterday. 79 measured glaciers were on average 23.9 metres shorter in 2023 than 2022. Switzerland has also reported 4% of it’s total glacial volume disappeared in 2023.

28 September 2023 | BBC

Swiss glaciers get 10% smaller in two years

In just two years, Switzerland’s glaciers have lost 10% of their total volume – as much as they lost in the three decades between 1960 and 1990.