Click on a marker to view each chart.
Source: BoM
25 March 2024
Australian rainfall and temperature
Click on a marker to view each chart.
Source: BoM
12 February 2024
Days over 110°F in Phoenix, Arizona
Days above 110°F (43.3°C) was a client-requested metric and displays the number of days when the maximum temperature equals or exceeds 110 degrees Fahrenheit threshold.
Source: US National Weather Service
5 February 2024
Central England temperature
Temperature data has been collected at three sites in England since 1659. The annual average of these observations is shown here.
Source: UK Met Office
5 December 2023
Global sea temperature
This data is supplied by the University of Maine and shows the global average from the current year and the historical context.
Source: Climate Reanalyzer
Global air temperature
This data is supplied by the University of Maine and shows the global average from the current year and the historical context.
Source: Climate Reanalyzer