Risk pricing, project controls, and project scheduling related to wet weather has long been a bug-bear for project professionals, particularly during tender preparation when resources are constrained, or throughout lengthy construction projects.
Climate Resilience can assist through data informed decision making, primarily through our ‘off the shelf’ rainfall risk information, or during project controls, where we offer bespoke services related to ongoing assessment of rainfall parameters such as quantity, time of day, and avoiding re-work with program advice as the monthly risk environment for rainfall shifts.
Climate Resilience has reviewed over 17000 official rainfall records and developed a quality-controlled dataset for over 7000 locations Australia wide to provide Australia’s first ‘off the shelf’ wet weather risk service. Any analysis will be based on at least 100 years of data, delivered quickly, and with flat rate pricing to make procurement easier. We’ve already done the work to provide you a range of likelihoods from Bureau of Meteorology rainfall records, allowing informed choices that align with your risk appetite, or give realistic, credible assessments for planning. If you want to go a step further and understand La Niña and El Niño year breakdown, we can assist with that too. We aim to turnaround data assessments within ten business days.
3 steps to get quick, reliable and quality controlled wet weather risk profiles.
- Check out our Risk Pricing Overview so you know what we’re offering.
- Find your site using the tool below. Any risk information will be informed by at least 100 years of data. The tool will show if we have already compiled likelihood data for, or near your site of interest.
- Get in touch
Our point of difference is that we’ve already done the work, making us the competitive choice and one that has in-depth subject matter expertise. A recent client recently used our outputs to justify early commencement of site works and ensured practical completion prior to a realised increase in risk profile.
Bespoke services: See the Risk Pricing Overview for bespoke service arrangements including independent site wet weather management, contract advice, or wind and temperature. Assessments are also available for activity such as crane use planning, or worker safety.