21 July 2024

Typhoon Hagibis

Typhoon Hagibis impacted Japan in October 2019 with significant infrastructure damage, flooding and disruption to the hosting of the Rugby World Cup. Hagibis is estimated by EM-DAT to be the 3rd costliest (inflation adjusted) on record in the Pacific region since 1991. The event occurred whilst Japan was hosting the Rugby World Cup and preparing for the Japanese Grand Prix. Significant rainfall resulted with over 922mm (36.2 inches) at Hakone, near Tokyo. 99 fatalities occurred with 73% of those greater than 65 years of age.

20 July 2024

Wisconsin Dam Failure

July 5th, 2024. Five and a half Inches (140mm) of rain fell over the Manawa City Dam, a small, gated dam in Waupaca County, WI. The speed of the event saw the right abutment overtopped that subsequently failed through erosion. Unofficial data from Manawa shows rainfall of 4.12 inches (105mm) in 1 hour with 1.69 inches (43 mm) in 20 minutes. The timeline provided at the post event public meeting by the City of Manawa advises the gate openings were set on forecast rain of around 1.25 inches, that morning. The flood wave inundated homes and impacted the functioning pf the wastewater treatment plant. Post even issues include public safety, sightseeing management and exposure to bacteria from sediment. Manawa City has around 1400 inhabitants. The impoundment held 1078 acre feet or 1329ML, at full supply.